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Mmm, mmm, mmm! Another concoction of gluten!


When the actual recipe looks so nasty, you must steal an image from a Starbucks employee on Pinterest to spray gold on it. I knew this one's a faker, Vani!

Food Babe’s Pistachio Almond Biscotti is a hilariously-awful idea Vani made up when her fridge filled up with an excess of decaying pistachio nut pulp from her previous vegan woo-milk lattes.

Let's see the freaking recipe![]

~"The pure beauty of this recipe is that any nut pulp can be used. When I make almond milk next I plan to reverse the recipe by using almond pulp and whole toasted pistachios instead. The options are really endless. You could even add dried fruit! I might try chopped figs next time too – Mmmmm."~ from Vani's same article about this recipe

  • pistachio pulp left over from making her pistachio milk (no quantity is mentioned; how much are we gonna use, Vani?)
  • 2 cups spelt flour (you can also use whole wheat or oat flour) GLUTEN RIGHT ON THE SPOT!
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 cup coconut palm sugar (Always rentlessly bashing cane/beet sugar for being 'toxic' and 'causing breast cancer')
  • ½ cup butter or coconut oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • zest of one lemon
  • 1 cup almonds toasted


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. On a large baking pan toast almonds for about 10 mins as the oven is warming
  3. In one bowl add all dry ingredients (flour, salt, baking powder) and set aside
  4. In another bowl, cream together sugar and butter/oil using an electric mixer
  5. Add eggs one at a time, vanilla and lemon zest to sugar mixture and mix well
  6. Add pistachio pulp and flour mixture alternatively until well combined
  7. Stir in toasted almonds
  8. Split dough into two uniform logs and place them on a large baking sheet lined with a silpat or parchment paper
  9. Bake logs for 35 mins
  10. Cool logs for about 5 mins, and then cut each log into diagonal pieces
  11. Lay each piece back down on baking sheet (unbaked side up) for an additional 10 -15 mins each side or until golden brown
  12. Cool completely before serving